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Young Adult and | Update LogJanuary 7, 2014 ServicesKate I write on request when I have time. If you have something you want to read, or any ideas you want to see in a story, let me know. I also edit stories, so send me a few if you want me to fix the grammar or proofread or something. If you are also interested in doing a collaboration, let me know and I'll try to come up with something. Once we get a few chapters done, I'll see about putting it up. (A 'Collaborations' subpage will be added when I post one.) I am also good with Photoshop. Recently, I've done a movie poster for my Graphic Design 2 class, and I turned myself into an elf with gold eyes. So if you need anything photoshopped (whether it's healing out zits or cuts or changing clothes or something) let me know. I'll see what I can do. |